
A Team Built for

James Macaulay

James Macaulay

Executive Chairman
Christopher Towsey

Christopher Towsey

Non-Executive Director
Patrick Moase

Patrick Moase

Non-Executive Director
John Lemon

John Lemon

Company Secretary
Rod Dawney

Rod Dawney

Geological Consultant
James Macaulay

James Macaulay

Executive Chairman
B.Sc.(Metall), B.Com., FAICD (Dip.)

James is a mining industry expert with experience in metallurgy, mineral processing operations, mineral exploration, engineering design, marketing, financial analysis, and corporate governance. He has held management positions, including Mine Manager and Managing Director, and is currently a director of two private companies involved in mineral exploration and process consulting services. James is also a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Christopher A J Towsey

Christopher A J Towsey

Non-Exec Director
MSc, BSc(Hons), Dip Ed, FAusIMM.

Chris Towsey is an experienced mining and exploration geologist and geochemist with over 40 years of experience in base metal and narrow-vein gold deposits. He is the Managing Director of Pathfinder Exploration Pty Ltd, a geological consultancy he founded in 1987. Chris is a former Director of Otso Gold Corp, Black Dragon Gold, and Citigold Corporation Ltd, where he helped to develop various gold mines. He has also held several other notable positions, including Director of the Qld Resources Council, Site Senior Executive of the Jax coal mine, GM Mining & Exploration and COO of Citigold, General Manager Australia of the National Occupational Safety Association Ltd, and Chief Geologist and Executive Manager Exploration for Emperor Mines Ltd. Chris holds Honours and Master’s Degrees in geology from Sydney University. He is a Competent Person under the JORC Code.

John Lemon

John Lemon

Company Secretary
BA, LLB (Hons), GDipAppFin (Finsia), Grad.Dip.AppCorpGov, MAICD

John is a qualified and former practising solicitor, initially in a large Australian law firm and then in several in-house roles. He now works as a contract company secretary, providing company secretary services to various small and medium-sized enterprises. He has significant mining industry experience, having worked for 7 years as an in-house lawyer for M.I.M. Holdings Limited and as company secretary of several exploration, mining and development companies.

Patrick Bernard Moase

Patrick Bernard Moase

Non-Exec Director
B.A.Sc., Dip Mgmt., GAICD, Assoc., Fellow (ARLF)

Patrick has spent five years developing remote sensing exploration technology and understands exploration compliance and management in Western Australia. He holds a B.A.Sc, Diploma of Management, and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Patrick has 10 years of General Management experience. He has chaired industry associations and private school boards. He is a director of Austexplore Holdings Pty Ltd and Rubicon Resources Pty Ltd.